Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.


It is said, that doing sports can help you with building your own character. However, while there is a belief, that physical education happens to be, there are also a lot of people, who take another side of this problem.
To my mind, each kind of sport deserves to be respected and extreme sports are not an exception. Firstly, doing such type of sport causes producing adrenaline in your blood, what is a source of exciting emotions and high blood pressure. If you read medical directory, you’ll see there, that appearing of high blood pressure from time to time influences your mind. Your brain starts to work faster, what is the reason for quick reactions and answers. What is more, no matter which sport you do, it’s still a way to create self-confidence. For instance, the majorities of sportsmen have very strong character and solve all their problems just because of their career, which includes trials and errors.

Good clothes open all doors


Some people like fur coats and hats, while others think that wearing fur is unacceptable. Animal furs have long served to make clothes or to decorate them. However, the use of fur as clothing and decoration is considered controversial by some people. 

     Personally, I don’t wear fur for several reasons. Firstly, the production of fur coats and hats involves cruelty to animals. Millions of foxes, rabbits, minks, beavers, chinchillas and other ani­mals are killed on farms because of their commercially valuable fur. Many of these animals are raised in cages which leave them little room to move around. Most animal rights groups object to the trapping and killing of wildlife. The anti-fur movement involves celebrities who try to convince people that fur is not fashionable. Secondly, nowadays there are a lot of materials that will not let you freeze. Thirdly, fur is very expensive and I can’t afford to buy fur coats and hats. 

Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.


Public libraries are becoming less popular and will disappear soon

We live in times when technologies can replace many things even books and libraries. Some people support that view and think that public libraries are so last week and unpopular.
In my opinion public libraries are becoming more popular now and they have lots of capabilities. Firstly, libraries are becoming more and more equipped. You can use the library computers for typing some texts, printing them up or surfing the internet. It is very important feature. Secondly, there has been renewed an original source interest. It is not enough for people just to see the information in the Internet, they want to check it in the original source. People do not trust the Internet, they want to acquire accurate information. Finally, libraries began to carry out events related to the literature and science. It attracts customers and libraries become more visited. 

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.


Nowadays people spend money not only to explore Earth, but to explore space. Each year governments spend billions of dollars on space exploration, but some people believe that exploring Earth is more important.
I can agree with both points of view. On the one hand, it is very important to explore space, because one day Earth will become a place where people won't be able to live, so, it is relevant to find a planet, which people will be able to colonize. Also, there is a possibility of finding elements and other things humanity needs on other planets. One more positive thing of space exploration is a possibility of meeting aliens, because I don't believe that we are alone in the vast space of the Universe.

Education polishes good natures and corrects bad ones


Nowadays, education is really important. It is said that education make good people better and correct bad ones.

In my opinion, this statement makes sense, however, education does not always work like that.
On the one hand, education socialize people. At school we learn respectfully communicate with each other. We study rules of morality there as well. 
Furthermore, education always involves a competition because we try to be better than our classmates. Plus, teachers train us to cope with different problems and as everyone knows what does not kill us it makes us stronger.

Օպտիկական ոսպնյակ

Օպտիկական ոսպնյակ, լուսաթափանց նյութից (ապակի, քվարց և այլն) մարմին՝ սահմանափակված կոր մակերեվույթներով։ Օպտիկական համակարգերի հիմնական տարրն է։ Առավել տարածված են գնդային մակերևույթով ոսպնյակները։ Պակաս գործածական են գլանային կամ տորոիդային մակերևույթներով ոսպնյակները (դրանցից պատրաստում են, օրինակ՝ աչքի աստիգմատիզմ ունեցողների ակնոցները

Գրիգոր Նարեկացի

Հնագույն ձեռագիր կենսագրականներում, բանաստեղծի ստեղծագործություններում, ինքնակենսագրական բնույթի հիշատակություններում Գրիգոր Նարեկացու կյանքի մասին շատ քիչ տեղեկություններ են պահպանվել։
Հայտնի է, որ Գրիգոր Նարեկացին ծնվել է Վասպուրական նահանգի Ռշտունի գավառում, Վանա լճի հարավային ափերին գտնվող Նարեկ գյուղում 951 թվականին։ Նարեկացին Անձևացյաց գավառի Խոսրով եպիսկոպոսի որդին էր։
Մանուկ հասակից կապված էր Ռշտունյաց աշխարհի Նարեկ գյուղի վանքի հետ, որտեղ էլ եղբոր հետ կրթվում և դաստիարակվում է ժամանակի ամենազարգացած մարդկանցից մեկի՝ Անանիա Նարեկացու մոտ, որը նաև Գրիգորի մոր հորեղբայրն էր։ Յուրացնելով դպրոցի մատենադարանի թարգմանական և ինքնուրույն ձեռագիր կրոնափիլիսոփայական գրականությունը՝ Գրիգոր Նարեկացին հետագայում դարձել է ուսման այդ կենտրոնի սյուներից մեկը։