Wednesday, December 14, 2016

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.


Nowadays people spend money not only to explore Earth, but to explore space. Each year governments spend billions of dollars on space exploration, but some people believe that exploring Earth is more important.
I can agree with both points of view. On the one hand, it is very important to explore space, because one day Earth will become a place where people won't be able to live, so, it is relevant to find a planet, which people will be able to colonize. Also, there is a possibility of finding elements and other things humanity needs on other planets. One more positive thing of space exploration is a possibility of meeting aliens, because I don't believe that we are alone in the vast space of the Universe.

On the other hand, people still don't know a lot about their own planet. Oceans are not better explored than space. There are many species we still don't have any idea about. Also, I should not forget to mention that scientists nowadays find as much mysteries on Earth as years ago. The more they learn, the more they still have to find out.
So, I want to say, that as long as those billions of dollars are spent on science, I am ok with anything that is being explored, because, in the end, all the discoveries will serve humanity, I hope, in a good way.

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